Olympus IMT-2 Umbau auf LED-Beleuchtung- Erfahrungen gesucht!

Begonnen von Dr. Jekyll, März 02, 2022, 09:53:33 VORMITTAG

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Dr. Jekyll


jüngst bin ich zu einem sehr schönen Olympus IMT-2 Mikroskop gekommen. Es ist mit DIC und Phasenkontrast ausgestattet.
Ich plane nun einen Fluoreszenzwürfel für Blauanregung zu fertigen. Zur Beleuchtung würde ich gerne eine LED in den Auflichtkanal verbauen.
Hat jemand schon einmal Erfahrungen dazu gemacht?
Beste Grüße


Hi Harald, I've adapted several IMT-2 with led fluorescence. One of them had the full fluorescence module, in which I build in the LED in the lamphouse. With the other IMT2's I adapted the LED in the small space just behind the revolver. This worked even better!
Stephan Hiller made the mounts for me, so they could be directly muntedon the backplate of the revolver. With thumb screws it is possible to manouvre the plate a bit in X-Y direction for proper alignment. The real innovation was a fresnel lens wich slots in place immediately in front of the excitation filter. Don't know anymore what focal length I ordered exactly, around a cm or so. Got them from https://www.fresneltech.com/ in the right size for a tenner each (10 years ago). For UV (eg dapi) ask for the special grade UV-acrylic. I found the fluorescence cubes secondhand for something like 250 euros.

HTH, René


And congrats with this magnificent piece of work! Working now somewhere else with IX scopes, I haven't got access to 'my' IMT anymore, but I remember that the 20x splanapo works well with the DIC system. My other most used lens was the 60x oil 1.4, that didn't really work. Instead, a Zeiss 60x/1.25 Neofluar gave an even background. Unfortunately at limited condenser aperture of 0.55, but that's the limitation you have to live with with sedimentation chambers.

Good luck, René

Dr. Jekyll

Hallo Rene,

danke für die Antwort. Das SPlanapo habe ich und werde es mal testen, danke für den Tipp. Mit einem Zeiss Plan 40 Ph für Inversmikroskope habe ich schon ein schönes DIC-Bild hin bekommen.
Beste Grüße