W3ASim II - shelf life / Lagerfähigkeit ?

Begonnen von Michael Cytrynowicz, Juni 04, 2024, 16:55:14 NACHMITTAGS

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Michael Cytrynowicz

Dear forum members - as always, please forgive me for not writing in German (I am learning, though)

10 years ago Fahrenheit very generously sent me (back then, in the USA, California) - vials with W3ASim II, and the 3 separate stains as well. He also sent me a vial of Etzold FCA.

I've been starting again to make botanical cuts, and while the Etzold seems perfectly good, I am not getting good results with the WRASim II (the 6:4:1:1 prep).

What I get is VERY weak red coloring, and nothing else. I have been following the staining protocol carefully, staining 5 min at 60 C, differentiating, etc.

Could it be that the 6:4:4:1 solution is expired?

I will try the W3A (original) next, with the 3 Farben separately, but just wanted to know if anyone has experience with related issues.

Many Thanks!

Mike / Portugal
Zeiss Standard (Hybrid). Canon 80D / Pentax-M 40mm / RAF  adapters / Zeiss Halbkugel / Siedentopf Trino & Photo port / KPL W 12.5x Br / Optovar 0.8-1.6 / Zeiss Planapo 4/0.16 / Planapo 10/0.32 / Planapo 25/0.65 / Neofluar PH2 40/0.75 / Olympus SPlan 40/0.7 / Condenser  II z  / Stephan Hiller LED


Hi Mike

If you red is more Like Brown it is well known- you Need a new Set.



Rückmeldung sind willkommen, ich bin jederzeit an Weiterentwicklung interessiert, Vorschläge zur Verbesserungen und Varianten meiner eingestellten Bilder sind daher keinerlei Problem für mich ...

Michael Cytrynowicz

Dear Gerhard,

thank you!

Do all 3 stains expire, or is it more the Acridin Red?
But, I am looking at the photos I made during the process, and it seems that at some point a lot of the red got washed out.

My process has been W3ASimII > 2x Aqua dest 1 min > 3x Isopropyl 99%, at 30 s, 3 min, 5 min

Could the Isopropyl, or the Aqua dest washes be an issue?

Many thanks!


Zeiss Standard (Hybrid). Canon 80D / Pentax-M 40mm / RAF  adapters / Zeiss Halbkugel / Siedentopf Trino & Photo port / KPL W 12.5x Br / Optovar 0.8-1.6 / Zeiss Planapo 4/0.16 / Planapo 10/0.32 / Planapo 25/0.65 / Neofluar PH2 40/0.75 / Olympus SPlan 40/0.7 / Condenser  II z  / Stephan Hiller LED


Good Morning Mike

I am using the 3 Color stand alone, but this is Not the problem.

Aqua and ISO are washing out, but should Not be the problem. I am using Etanol in between for washing out, 30% und 70%, 70% is the critical step!

Jörg Shared a Tipp with us, one drop of the Color on a tisue should Show the 3 different Color if they are dry.


Rückmeldung sind willkommen, ich bin jederzeit an Weiterentwicklung interessiert, Vorschläge zur Verbesserungen und Varianten meiner eingestellten Bilder sind daher keinerlei Problem für mich ...

Michael Cytrynowicz

Dear Gerhard, thank you!

If you don't mind, can I trouble you for your process?


Zeiss Standard (Hybrid). Canon 80D / Pentax-M 40mm / RAF  adapters / Zeiss Halbkugel / Siedentopf Trino & Photo port / KPL W 12.5x Br / Optovar 0.8-1.6 / Zeiss Planapo 4/0.16 / Planapo 10/0.32 / Planapo 25/0.65 / Neofluar PH2 40/0.75 / Olympus SPlan 40/0.7 / Condenser  II z  / Stephan Hiller LED

Michael Cytrynowicz

Good Afternoon Gerhard,

More specifically - I am confused, the protocols I have for W3ASim II have the following steps:

Fix (usually AFE) > Ethanol 70% > etOH 50% > etOH 30% > dAqua 3x > Stain > dAqua 2x > ISO 3x > Euparal

So are you saying there needs to be 2 more Ethanol steps, after staining?

Like this:

Fix (usually AFE) > Ethanol 70% > etOH 50% > etOH 30% > dAqua 3x > Stain > dAqua 2x > etOH 30% > etOH 70% > ISO 3x > Euparal

Thank you!

Zeiss Standard (Hybrid). Canon 80D / Pentax-M 40mm / RAF  adapters / Zeiss Halbkugel / Siedentopf Trino & Photo port / KPL W 12.5x Br / Optovar 0.8-1.6 / Zeiss Planapo 4/0.16 / Planapo 10/0.32 / Planapo 25/0.65 / Neofluar PH2 40/0.75 / Olympus SPlan 40/0.7 / Condenser  II z  / Stephan Hiller LED


Hi Mike

I am controlling the washing via checking with the help of my microscope (Wild M3C). For this I am using the 2 steps with Ethalol, it is mainly the 70%. It is possible to skip the 2 steps, but the cells are more stressed if you Go direct to 99%



Rückmeldung sind willkommen, ich bin jederzeit an Weiterentwicklung interessiert, Vorschläge zur Verbesserungen und Varianten meiner eingestellten Bilder sind daher keinerlei Problem für mich ...

Michael Cytrynowicz

Ah, thank you Gerhard,

So after staining, wash in water 2x, wash in etanol 70% 2x, then to Isopropil 99% right?

And to go back to the original problem, which was that W3ASimII, the colors were fading dramatically, so the etanol 70% prevents the colors from fading, is that what it does?

What I am curious, is why the available protocols don't mention these etanol steps.

Warm Regards,

Zeiss Standard (Hybrid). Canon 80D / Pentax-M 40mm / RAF  adapters / Zeiss Halbkugel / Siedentopf Trino & Photo port / KPL W 12.5x Br / Optovar 0.8-1.6 / Zeiss Planapo 4/0.16 / Planapo 10/0.32 / Planapo 25/0.65 / Neofluar PH2 40/0.75 / Olympus SPlan 40/0.7 / Condenser  II z  / Stephan Hiller LED