Schnitter Advice Needed: Junk hand cylinder microtome...

Begonnen von Michael Cytrynowicz, Juli 01, 2024, 11:37:03 VORMITTAG

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Michael Cytrynowicz

Dear friends,

Success! All cleaned with Iso, greased with Nye Synthetic grease. Note the most useful Tempo paper :-)

Movement is now very precise and smooth, and I can feel even 1 unit - 10 µm - going up.

Now for the Botanical Schnitte!

Many Thanks!

Zeiss Standard (Hybrid). Canon 80D / Pentax-M 40mm / RAF  adapters / Zeiss Halbkugel / Siedentopf Trino & Photo port / KPL W 12.5x Br / Optovar 0.8-1.6 / Zeiss Planapo 4/0.16 / Planapo 10/0.32 / Planapo 25/0.65 / Neofluar PH2 40/0.75 / Olympus SPlan 40/0.7 / Condenser  II z  / Stephan Hiller LED


Zeiss RA mit Trinotubus 0/100
No-Name China-Stereomikroskop mit Trinotubus
beide mit Canon EOS 500D


Hi Mike,
in use the cylinder microtome can get into contact with water so it is a good idea to apply a little oil on the bearing surface between inner and outer cylinder to prevent corrosion.
It is a nice microtome and you would have to look for a while to find a second one of this quality.

Take care,

Michael Cytrynowicz

Ah! Bob, thank you for the advice! - will do (yes, it does get water).
I know it's a great microtome - but to be honest, I am still struggling to get good thin sections :-(

I am using the carrot method, but it seems that the carrot, even if it is held very tightly, it seems to recoil, and move down in the clasp. I don't SEE any obvious movement down, but it must be doing this. And I try to be very careful with the Leica disposable blade, wet, etc.

I know this is happening because, with the microtome cleaned and re-greased, the screw now works nicely and precisely - but, if I make a cut then move it up 5 ticks, 50 µm, and slide carefully the Leica blade again, it does seem to be higher than the sample.

If I instead turn the screw 10 ticks, 100 µm, then a cut will be made, but of course thicker than I want.

This is driving me nuts :-)


Zeiss Standard (Hybrid). Canon 80D / Pentax-M 40mm / RAF  adapters / Zeiss Halbkugel / Siedentopf Trino & Photo port / KPL W 12.5x Br / Optovar 0.8-1.6 / Zeiss Planapo 4/0.16 / Planapo 10/0.32 / Planapo 25/0.65 / Neofluar PH2 40/0.75 / Olympus SPlan 40/0.7 / Condenser  II z  / Stephan Hiller LED


Hi Michael,
sorry, I just now found the time to have a look into the forum again.
Acheiving a proper slice of the specimen is the result of two cuts, the one before and the one now. So you have to make sure that your cut before actually took off a slice and not just rubbed over the specimen. It also it helpful to carry out the two movements in identical speed and way of travel, like a machine woul do. 
50µ works for many samples but sometimes it is too little. In this case I start with 100µ and work my way down. It is worth to look closely when the cut is started: Does the blade really enter the specimen or does it just deform it or rub over it? I sometimes help to increase the sideway component of the movement right when entering the specimen.

Some samples are difficult to section nicely, in this case it is better to move to something that is easier to section. We are amateurs and it should be enjoyable! :)


Michael Cytrynowicz

Dear Bob, many thanks!  - this is very helpful, and I will pay a lot of attention next cuts - to see whether a cut has actually been made, and to increase the lateral component of the move when touching the sample. I will report back!


Zeiss Standard (Hybrid). Canon 80D / Pentax-M 40mm / RAF  adapters / Zeiss Halbkugel / Siedentopf Trino & Photo port / KPL W 12.5x Br / Optovar 0.8-1.6 / Zeiss Planapo 4/0.16 / Planapo 10/0.32 / Planapo 25/0.65 / Neofluar PH2 40/0.75 / Olympus SPlan 40/0.7 / Condenser  II z  / Stephan Hiller LED